Page created 1998, updated 2005 and Nov 2006
Antique Lamson Cash Carriers
Wow! Try and find info about these on the web. I guess I have best American source of info on Lamson Cash Carriers. The very best site is from Andrew Buxton in the UK. I got interested in these by seeing complex pneumatic tube systems as a kid in Chattanooga, TN. I saw some of the cable carriers in later years and picked up a few bits and pieces in antique malls. I just recently found out about the Electric Cable Cash Carrier systems of the early 1920's. I really want to try and get some info on what still exists out there and see what I can pick up along the way!! Lamson systems are so rare they almost have little value as no-one is collecting them.
I have acquired several Lamson items See the list on the new site:
A quick history lesson with PICTURES.
I have scanned some original Lamson books which are fascinating (links not
completed yet).
Link to Andrew Buxton's site on cash carriers in the UK.
Click here I want to create a list of where these
vintage Lamson (and other systems still exist)!!
See List Here I know lots of theses are still
in small towns across the country; please send me email on what you know
is out there. Send me a picture and I will post it. Share your knowledge
and this site can be the best resource for preserving this bit of retailing
Send email to ErgoFred by clicking on image above!
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